How are gift card orders shipped?
Gift cards valued above $300 are shipped via priority mail. Gift cards below $300 are delivered with first class mail.
How long does it take for delivery after the 5-7 business days of processing?
It will take 2-4 business days for your gift card to arrive. Delivery time depends on your proximity to Lakewood, Colorado. Please note that orders placed around the holidays may take longer to arrive.
When is it too late to order a gift card to arrive in time for Christmas?
To allow time for processing and shipping we suggest orders are placed at least 10 business days before Christmas.
Are there delivery fees?
There are no delivery fees. Nothing will be charged to your account besides the value of the gift card.
Are there any transaction fees?
No, there are no additional fees beyond the price of the gift card.
Can they be redeemed at all stores?
Yes, gift cards are redeemable at all Natural Grocers locations. Find a location here.
How do I check my gift card balance?
Please visit your nearest Natural Grocers location. Please note, the physical gift card must be present to retrieve balance information.
Click here to find a Natural Grocers near you.
Does Natural Grocers offer E-Gift Cards?
Currently, we do not offer E-Gift cards for purchase.
Do Natural Grocers gift cards ever expire?
While your gift card does not have an expiration date, according to state law, funds from unused gift cards older than three years will be submitted to the Colorado Department of Unclaimed Property.
To recover your funds, please contact the Colorado Department of Unclaimed Property at (include a picture of the front and back of the gift card), you can also contact them over the phone at 800 – 825 – 2111.
Claim Phone Hours: Tuesday – Thursday 9am – 3:00pm MST